Best Paris Strolls

Stroll 20: Eiffel Tower & Vicinity

Stroll 20 Eiffel Tower from Rue de Monttessuy

Quick Description:  Eiffel Tower view and visit, aquarium, four different museums, plus Paris sewer system museum/tour, other nearby sites, boat tour option.  

Where: Right and Left Banks including Trocadero, Eiffel Tower, Place de l’Alma.

Start at Place du Trocadero, outside Metro station Trocadero (#6 and #9 lines).  End at Place de l’Alma, outside Metro station Alma-Marceau (#9 line). 

Duration: 45 min walk, @6-8 hrs total with visits to all venues (e.g.: 30 min each for three Palais de Chaillot museums, 1 hr for Aquarium, 1-3 hrs for Eiffel Tower depending on lines, 1 hr for Musee du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, 1.5 hrs for Musee des Egouts (Sewer Tour)).  No Early Departure Option.

Best Days: Wed – Sun.

Best Time to Start: 10 – 11am.

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Connects: by foot to Stroll 18 (Avenue Wilson Museum Mile), and by quick Metro ride to Stroll 19 (Passy), or to a standalone site, Musee Jacquemart-Andre.

Past and Present:  This stroll begins with one of the world’s most spectacular and iconic views: Standing atop the Right Bank’s Chaillot hill at the Palais de Chaillot’s Esplanade du Trocadero, looking over the Jardins du Trocadero and directly across the river to the Eiffel Tower and the Champ de Mars park.  That this view exists is no accident.  All of these sites were showcases for international fairs and exhibitions in the past, several times together.  The Champ de Mars served as part of the grounds for World’s Fairs of 1878, 1889 and 1900. The Eiffel Tower was built in the Champs de Mars to be the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair. The Jardins du Trocadero were part of the 1878 fair.  And the Jardins were also part of the 1937 Exhibition of Arts and Technology, for which the Palais de Chaillot was built as a conference center.  Today these amazing locales are complemented by many other nearby attractions.   On the Right Bank, the Palais de Chaillot is now home to three separate small museums (for French heritage architecture, human evolution and maritime history), and the Jardins du Trocadero is the site of L’Aquarium de Paris (aka Cineaqua).  On the Left Bank, in close proximity to the Eiffel Tower, is Musee du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, focusing on primitive cultures.  A little farther on is the Musee des Egouts, the Paris sewers museum and tour, plus a new Russian Orthodox cathedral and new park installments on the lower river quay.  The stroll brings you to them all, as it crosses from the Right Bank to the Left Bank and back again on separate bridges.  The end point is Place de l’Alma near the port for river cruise boats – which you can take to keep exploring.  And each part of the stroll offers good dining options.      

Attractions (in order):

  • Palais de Chaillot Museums, #1-17 Place du Trocadero: 
    • Cite de l’Architecture et du Partimoine#1 Place du Trocadero, in the Palais’s north (left) pavilion. Museum focused on heritage architecture of France, with a permanent collection including façade reproductions, plus regular special exhibitions, and archives.  Wed-Sun 11am-7pm (Thurs till 9pm), €8 museum, €12 museum and current special exhibition.  Museum free to persons under 18 and EU citizens 18-25, museum and special exhibitions free to persons under 12 and many other categories.      
    • Musee de l’Homme#17 Place du Trocadero, in the Palais’s south (right) pavilion.  Museum presenting changing exhibitions related to human evolution.  Wed-Sun 11am-6pm, €10, free to EU citizens under 26 and many other categories.
    • Musee de la Marine: #17 Place du Trocadero, in the Palais’s south (right) pavilion.  Maritime museum, with collection of paintings, ship models and seafaring artifacts.  Check status as this venue has been under renovation.
  • Esplanade du Trocadero: Terrace of the Palais de Chaillot.  Large plaza affording a spectacular and iconic view over the Jardins du Trocadero and across the Seine to the Eiffel Tower and the Champ de Mars.  Open daily 24 hours, free. 
  • Jardins du Trocadero: Right Bank hillside facing the Seine.  Extravagant gardens with sculptures and fountains, installed in 1878 and redesigned in 1937. 
  • L’Aquarium de Paris, aka Cineaqua: Located in the Jardins du Trocadero.   Mostly indoors, with a global collection of fish in 43 tanks, plus live shows, educational animated shows and talks, films and workshops, most oriented toward children and young adults.  Daily 10am-7pm.  Adults €25, Children 13-17 €16, 3-12 €14.5, under 3 free.  Various categories of persons eligible for discounted tickets. Reservations required – see website. 
  • Eiffel Tower: Left Bank, along the Seine at one end of the Champ de Mars.  Iconic symbol of Paris, built in 1889, offering views and restaurants.  Open daily 9am-12:45am, last entry at Midnight.  Variety of entry fees depending on use of elevator or stairs and height of climb, e.g.: €10 stairs to 2nd floor, €16 elevator to 2nd floor, €19 stairs to 2nd floor and elevator to top, €25 elevator to 2nd floor and to top.  Entry lines can be long.   
  • Champ de Mars: Adjacent to the Eiffel Tower.  Large public park and site of historic events. Open daily 24 hours.  (Note: the stroll route does not go through the park.)
  • Musee du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac#37 Quai Branly..  Museum of primitive cultures, housed in a modern building, with a garden.  Open Tues-Sun 10:30am-7pm (Thurs till 10pm) €12, various categories of persons eligible for reduced rate.  Garden open Tues-Wed-Sun 9:15am-7:30pm, Thurs-Fri-Sat 9:15am-9:15pm, free.
  • Cathedral de la Sainte-Trinite: #1 Quai Branly.  Russian Orthodox cathedral and cultural center, opened in 2016, with artworks.  Daily 3-7pm, free.    
  • Musee des EgoutsEntrance pavilion on Left Bank riverside esplanade at Pont de l’Alma, opposite #93 Quai d’Orsay.  Tour of 45-75-minute duration covering a portion of the historic Paris sewer system, with displays of its layout, sewer maintenance equipment of today and yesterday and mannequins posing as sewer workers.  Access and egress is via a 42 step staircase or elevator and the site is wheelchair accessible. Temperature underground is about 55 degrees.  Tues-Sun 10am-5pm (last admission 4pm), €9, €7 for seniors and large family groups.  
  • Jardins de l’Archipel: Left Bank’s lower river quays.   Access via staircase from riverside esplanade at Pont de l’Alma, opposite #93 Quai d’Orsay.  Artistic theme gardens on moored barges.  Open Daily 12:30pm-5pm, free. 
  • Pont de l’Alma with the Zouave Statue.  Bridge connecting Left and Right Banks with sculpture of a Zouave soldier that is used as an unofficial gauge of the river’s height. 
  • Place de l’Alma with the Flame of Liberty Statue: Right Bank traffic juncture adjacent to Pont de l’Alma, surrounded by restaurants and featuring a replica of the flame on the Statue of Liberty in New York.  The flame was installed here in 1989 to thank French engineers for helping to restore the original, but has become an unofficial memorial to Princess Diana of Great Britain, who died in a car crash in the tunnel beneath Pont de l’Alma in 1997.
  • Bateaux-Mouches: Port de la Conference (Right Bank lower quay adjacent to Pont de l’Alma)  This famous Seine River tour boat operation offers a round-trip route through the city that lasts about 1.15 hours. The boats run daily, leaving every 45 minutes from 10:15am to 3:30pm, then every 30 minutes until 10:30pm.  The fee is €15 (adult), €6 (child 4-12).

Dining Suggestions (in order): 

  • Carette: #4 Place du Trocadero, Right Bank. Patisserie, tea salon, café, with pastries, sandwiches, salads, mains, dine in or take-out.  Traditional room, outdoor seating.  Mon-Fri 7am-11:30pm, Sat-Sun 7:30am-11:30pm.  Average cost @€10-30. 
  • 20 Eiffel: #20 Rue de Monttussey, Left Bank near Eiffel Tower.  French cuisine. Modern room, some outdoor seating with a view of the tower.  Tues-Sat Noon-2pm, 7-10:30pm.  Lunch prix fixe @€24. 
  • Au Bon Accueil: #14 Rue de Monttessuy, Left Bank near Eiffel Tower.  French cuisine. Traditional room, some outdoor seating with a view of the tower.  Mon-Fri Noon-2pm, 6:30-10:30pm.  Prix fixe meal €37 3 courses.
  • Chez Ming: #6 Rue de Monttessuy, Left Bank near Eiffel Tower.  Chinese cuisine. Traditional room.  Mon-Sat 11:30am-3pm, 5:30-10:45pm, Sun 11am-10:45pm. Average cost @€12-35.
  • Les Ombres: #27 Quai Branly, Left Bank second half of route.  French cuisine.  Elegant modern room, outdoor rooftop seating with expansive views.  Tues-Sat Noon-2:15pm, 7-10:15pm.  Lunch prix fixe @€42 3 courses.  (The restaurant is located on the rooftop of Musee du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, but museum admission is not required.)
  • Chez Francis: #7 Place de l’Alma, Right Bank.  French cuisine, broad ranging brasserie menu including standards, small plates, breakfast, seafood platters.  Traditional room, outdoor seating, Eiffel Tower views.  Mon-Thurs 8am-11:30pm, Fri-Sun 8am-Midnight.  Lunch prix fixe @€28-36.
  • Shirvan Café Metisse: #5 Place de l’Alma, Right Bank.  French / Azerbajiani cuisine.  Elegant modern room.  Daily Noon-2:30pm, 7 -10:30pm.  Prix fixe meals @€36-40.

The Eiffel Tower offers dining options at different price points, and height levels, including food vendors at ground level.

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